Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Week 7- Newspaper Article

The article I chose to write about today is an article entitled “YouTube Eases they way to more revenue.” It was published in the “New York Times” newspaper on October 6th. It really is exactly what the title says YouTube is a website/network that allows you to upload video either self made or otherwise onto the site. It has very low quality video but is so accessible and such widely known thus the popularity.
The article states that YouTube appears to be mastering the art of turning video piracy into revenue. The clips of television shows, music videos and other copyrighted content that gets uploaded to YouTube without permission were a source of tension between Google and Copyright owners. Within the last year, several companies stopped insisting that YouTube take down unauthorized clips. Instead they are choosing to claim the videos as their own and allowing YouTube to sell advertising when people watch them. The revenue is split between YouTube and the content owners. Also on October 7th it was announced that Media Company could upload new content into YouTube’s reference library of Copyright audio and video. With the help of Harmonic, Telestream, and Digital Rapids YouTube will be able to convert video and audio content into the digital file that allow media companies to transmit shows on broadcast TV, cable and internet. YouTube is not the first company to offer these amenities but the agreement with YouTube is significant, as the company accounted for 40% of all the online videos seen in the United States in August, according to comScore.
It really comes down to making money. Money is what makes the world go round. Everything runs off Money so it does not surprise me that they have found a way to sell advertisements to make money as if they are not making enough already. I think them allowing own companies to upload their own video they are make a great move. My question is what they will think of next??

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