Friday, September 25, 2009

Newspaper Article- Week 5

The article I choose to talk about today in an article I found on the Associated Press website on September 22nd entitled South Korea approves sale of Apples Iphone. I thought this article would be interesting because the Iphone was released in the United States on June 29th 2007; now move than two years later released in South Korea.
In the article it talks about how South Korea telecommunications regulator allowed Apple Inc. To sell the iPhone; in doing which will potentially shake up the cell phone market. Only two months before it was released to be sold in China. It took 5 commissioners to meet to allow this to become. They also stated that “The introduction of the Iphone has been keenly awaited in South Korea, where the handset market is dominated by Samsung Electronics Company, LG Electronics Incorporated, and other domestic manufactures. Although it was cleared to sell they have not set a release day. “Soon as possible” says Yeom Woo-jong a KT corporation spokesman. Apparently Apples Iphone is available in 90 countries or territories. One of the larger things in South Korea law requires companies that supply location based services to obtain government permission.
I found this article very interesting because Apple has some of the leading electronics and on the other hand South Korea and China have usually great electronics and a far more advanced than the states are in that aspect. I just found it awkward that they had obtained licensing to sell so late; two years after the original iPhone drop. I guess this just shows the demand of the product even after two years have passed. For an example in the United States every time a newer version; the Chinese or Koreans did not have this option. Also I felt this article was enlighting because I definitely didn’t know it was available in ninety countries. The real question I have is; when wi8l the iPhone be out done? When will something better come out and outshine the iPhone?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week 4

The article I chose to do is entitled; “A Popular Plant Is Quietly Spreading Across TV Screens” This article was published in New York Times Newspaper and written by Brian Stelter. The article talks briefly about what the title entails how a popular plant, Marijuana, is making it way quietly across television screens. I guess there is a show called the Cannibis Planet show is televised evidence of how entrenched marijuana has become in California’s cultural firmament and a potent example of the way the pot subculture has been edging into the national mainstream. The show focuses on medical, agricultural and industrial uses of the hemp plant, purposely ignoring marijuana’s recreational aspects. Viewers, for instance, see very little actual smoking, even though the hosts and producers are known to inhale between takes. The executive producer said they are merely just trying to show the legitimacy of the plant. The executive producer pays for a time slot on an independent station in Los Angeles; which is Thursday and Saturday nights at 11:30 pm. He exclaims that they are not doing badly at all and in fact he is breaking even after only two months of showings.
Although there has been no real shows about Marijuana it has been in the media for decades since about the 1970s. Medical marijuana is now legal in 14 states, and the lobbying organization Norml says efforts to legalize it are under way in 15 other states. Marijuana use remains illegal under federal law, but in a break from prior policies, the Obama administration said in February that federal officials would stop raiding dispensaries of medical marijuana authorized under state law.
I feel as though children take a very large influence from what they see on television and if this show has been doing good enough to break even only after two months then they have a fairly large audience watching them. I just fear that children or shall I say young adults will get the wrong impression of what they are trying to convey which is stated above. But the one question I would like to know is what will come out of this situation as far as for Marijuana users??

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Week 3 Newspaper Article

The article I chose to write about is titled “Like Apple , TV explores Must-Have Applications” which was written by Saul Hansell and published in New York Times September 6th newspaper. I chose to explore this article because it was very interesting to me because I own a couple of Apples greatest inventions the first generation iPhone and the most recent generation iPhone also known as the 3rd generation iPhone. It is in fact one of the greatest pieces of technology with mobile capabilities. This phone has many functions that others don’t but the function that most people tend to really love is the infinite number of applications that can be added and subtracted from this device( some are free and some must be purchased) by touch of the screen. Consumers are getting so used to the fact that they have virtually everything in front of them on their mobile device, they want the same thing when the put their mobile device to bed when they are home.
The article speaks about how DirecTV and FiOS service from Verizon Communications have recently announce app stores modeled directly on Apple’s App Store. A few of the applications they have available now are Bible Verses, Facebook updates, and fantasy sports team updates. This article really suggest the modern day people are no longer content with just sitting back while watching television but rather want to lean forward or sit up and interact and customize their televisions.
For years now cable and satellite customers have bee able to get news articles, weather forecasts and sports scores through their set-top boxes. This idea did not really spark many users in fact many of the leading industries concluded that all “most” people wanted to do was watch television. Now with people becoming so interactive and sophisticated with their electronic devices they are rethinking that theory.

So what now? I’m so glad you asked with you now being able to access Face book and FiOS on your television the problem lies with the amount of things you can do. Ultimately I think your computer and television will merge to become one device. The article mentions that the remote is going to be so much more complex if they add the capabilities to add text to the screen and they also mentioned the complex menus going back and forth in between those items. The biggest thing for me is they going to force people to make this change to the new set-top boxes? Will the set-top boxes need to be purchased or can they be rented like most cable devices are (modem & cable box)? Also when you access your Facebook or Twitter will you have to enter your information every time or will you be venerable to everyone seeing your personal Facebook or twitter updates because you will never be logged off?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 2 Newspaper Article

The article I choose was written by Manny Fernandez and taken from the New York Times Newspaper on Saturday August 29, 2009. The article title is “Building Department to Track Inspectors via Cell phone and GPS Technology”; as my title did last week it does this week as well, speaks for itself. Within the article it tells how the Building departments will start installing Global Positioning Technology in cell phones to see where their clients are throughout their work schedule. They say the new tracking system is taking place because of the Edward Marquette case; an inspector who was charged last year with faking a report that he inspected a tower crane on the East side of Manhattan in response to a complaint. He never visited the crane, the authorities said, and 11 days later, it toppled and killed seven people.

They say the new tracking system will cause no problems and it is just a simple, new innovative way to ensure inspectors reach their destinations and are held accountable for doing so. Not only will they be able to see who is where they are suppose to be but supervisors will be able to tell who is closest to an emergency if necessary. This is good because its less time the problem is not being fixed in other words the problem is only a problem for a matter of minutes maybe hours because of this technology.

So one would say what is next? Where do we go from here? Some workers are very concerned but if you think of it this way if you are doing your work, like you should be, there will/should be no problems. The other common question is many if not all workers carry their company cell phones with them at all time; would this be a violation of privacy laws? The building department claims they can set the computer to only monitor during set work hours. We will see how this turns out. Like everything else that is electronic items tend to malfunction.