Friday, September 25, 2009

Newspaper Article- Week 5

The article I choose to talk about today in an article I found on the Associated Press website on September 22nd entitled South Korea approves sale of Apples Iphone. I thought this article would be interesting because the Iphone was released in the United States on June 29th 2007; now move than two years later released in South Korea.
In the article it talks about how South Korea telecommunications regulator allowed Apple Inc. To sell the iPhone; in doing which will potentially shake up the cell phone market. Only two months before it was released to be sold in China. It took 5 commissioners to meet to allow this to become. They also stated that “The introduction of the Iphone has been keenly awaited in South Korea, where the handset market is dominated by Samsung Electronics Company, LG Electronics Incorporated, and other domestic manufactures. Although it was cleared to sell they have not set a release day. “Soon as possible” says Yeom Woo-jong a KT corporation spokesman. Apparently Apples Iphone is available in 90 countries or territories. One of the larger things in South Korea law requires companies that supply location based services to obtain government permission.
I found this article very interesting because Apple has some of the leading electronics and on the other hand South Korea and China have usually great electronics and a far more advanced than the states are in that aspect. I just found it awkward that they had obtained licensing to sell so late; two years after the original iPhone drop. I guess this just shows the demand of the product even after two years have passed. For an example in the United States every time a newer version; the Chinese or Koreans did not have this option. Also I felt this article was enlighting because I definitely didn’t know it was available in ninety countries. The real question I have is; when wi8l the iPhone be out done? When will something better come out and outshine the iPhone?

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