Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week 4

The article I chose to do is entitled; “A Popular Plant Is Quietly Spreading Across TV Screens” This article was published in New York Times Newspaper and written by Brian Stelter. The article talks briefly about what the title entails how a popular plant, Marijuana, is making it way quietly across television screens. I guess there is a show called the Cannibis Planet show is televised evidence of how entrenched marijuana has become in California’s cultural firmament and a potent example of the way the pot subculture has been edging into the national mainstream. The show focuses on medical, agricultural and industrial uses of the hemp plant, purposely ignoring marijuana’s recreational aspects. Viewers, for instance, see very little actual smoking, even though the hosts and producers are known to inhale between takes. The executive producer said they are merely just trying to show the legitimacy of the plant. The executive producer pays for a time slot on an independent station in Los Angeles; which is Thursday and Saturday nights at 11:30 pm. He exclaims that they are not doing badly at all and in fact he is breaking even after only two months of showings.
Although there has been no real shows about Marijuana it has been in the media for decades since about the 1970s. Medical marijuana is now legal in 14 states, and the lobbying organization Norml says efforts to legalize it are under way in 15 other states. Marijuana use remains illegal under federal law, but in a break from prior policies, the Obama administration said in February that federal officials would stop raiding dispensaries of medical marijuana authorized under state law.
I feel as though children take a very large influence from what they see on television and if this show has been doing good enough to break even only after two months then they have a fairly large audience watching them. I just fear that children or shall I say young adults will get the wrong impression of what they are trying to convey which is stated above. But the one question I would like to know is what will come out of this situation as far as for Marijuana users??

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